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Tilly and Her Animal Friends

Once upon a time, in a cozy little house, lived a curious girl named Tilly. One sunny morning, Tilly decided to explore the magical forest near her home. As she skipped through the trees, she stumbled upon a baby bunny with soft, fluffy fur.

Curious girl with brown pigtails and bright blue eyes in a colorful dress, standing in a lush green forest, holding a baby bunny with pink fur.

Excitedly, Tilly picked up the baby bunny and hugged it gently. She named it Coco and decided to keep it as her new pet. As she continued her adventure, Tilly met a mischievous squirrel with sparkly black eyes and a bushy tail.

Curious girl with brown pigtails and bright blue eyes in the forest, holding a baby bunny named Fluffy baby bunny with pink fur, while a playful squirrel with shiny black eyes watches from a nearby tree.

The squirrel, named Nutty, loved climbing trees and collecting acorns. Tilly joined Nutty, climbing up the tallest tree they could find. From there, they spotted a cute little fox with fiery orange fur and bright green eyes.

Curious girl with brown pigtails and bright blue eyes and Mischievous squirrel with shiny black eyes and a bushy tail sitting on a branch of a tall tree, looking down at a friendly fox with orange fur and green eyes.

The fox, called Rusty, was fast and clever. Tilly and her new friends played hide-and-seek amidst the tall grass. While hiding, Tilly heard a gentle purring sound. She followed the sound and discovered a sleepy kitten with gray stripes.

Curious girl with brown pigtails and bright blue eyes, Mischievous squirrel with shiny black eyes and a bushy tail, and Clever fox with fiery orange fur and bright green eyes peeking out from behind a patch of tall grass, as a cute gray-striped kitten yawns and stretches nearby.

Tilly named the kitten Whiskers. They all took a nap together, enjoying the warm sunlight. When they woke up, a wise owl with big, round eyes joined their group. The owl, named Hootie, perched on a branch and told them stories of faraway lands.

Curious girl with brown pigtails and bright blue eyes, Mischievous squirrel with shiny black eyes and a bushy tail, Clever fox with fiery orange fur and bright green eyes, Sleepy gray-striped kitten, and Wise owl with big, round eyes the owl, gathered under a tree, with Curious girl with brown pigtails and bright blue eyes sitting cross-legged, listening intently to Wise owl with big, round eyes's stories.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Tilly feel when she found the baby bunny?
  • Why did Tilly and Nutty climb the tallest tree?
  • What was special about Hootie the owl?

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