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Super Smelly Alien

Once upon a time, in a faraway galaxy, there was a planet called Zog. On Zog, there lived an alien named Smelly. Smelly was not like other aliens. He was super smelly!

Picture a colorful planet called Zog with Green alien with a purple nose, has stinky superpowers, a green alien, surrounded by stars in the sky.

Everywhere Smelly went, he left behind a trail of stinky smells. His purple nose could make even the bravest space creatures hold their breath!

Imagine Green alien with a purple nose, has stinky superpowers zooming around Zog, leaving green stinky trails behind him.

One day, Smelly's stink became so strong that it started to affect the other aliens. Everyone on Zog was running away from the smelly stench.

Visualize Green alien with a purple nose, has stinky superpowers floating in space, with other aliens covering their noses and running away.

Smelly felt sad that his smell was making others unhappy. He decided to find a solution. With his friends' help, Smelly built a spaceship to travel to a distant planet called Bloom.

Imagine Green alien with a purple nose, has stinky superpowers and his colorful alien friends building a spaceship and flying through space towards Bloom.

On Bloom, Smelly found a special flower that smelled like fresh strawberries. He picked some and brought them back to Zog.

Picture Green alien with a purple nose, has stinky superpowers on Bloom, holding a bouquet of flowers that smell like strawberries.

When Smelly returned, he planted the strawberry flowers all over Zog. The sweet scent covered up his stink, and now the planet smelled lovely!

Imagine Green alien with a purple nose, has stinky superpowers watering the strawberry flowers and smiling as the lovely smell spreads across Zog.

From that day on, Smelly was no longer known as the super smelly alien. Instead, he became the hero of Zog, bringing happiness with his sweet-smelling flowers.

Visualize Green alien with a purple nose, has stinky superpowers standing with other aliens, all smiling and holding flowers, while stars sparkle in the sky.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Smelly feel when his smell made others unhappy?
  • What did Smelly find on the planet Bloom?
  • What happened to Zog after Smelly planted the strawberry flowers?

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