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Pirate Pete and the Lost Treasure Map

Once upon a time, there was a pirate named Pirate Pete. He had a big beard and a shiny gold earring. One day, Pirate Pete found a mysterious old map. It was a treasure map!

Page 1: A pirate with a big beard and a shiny gold earring holding a map with a big smile on his face

Pirate Pete looked at the map and saw an 'X' marked on a faraway island. He knew that the 'X' meant treasure! So, Pirate Pete grabbed his trusty telescope and set sail on his pirate ship.

Page 2: A pirate with a big beard and a shiny gold earring looking through a telescope on his ship, with a big wooden steering wheel and a pirate flag on top

After many days of sailing, Pirate Pete finally reached the island. It was a tropical paradise with palm trees and colorful birds. He followed the map and dug in the sand where the 'X' was marked.

Page 3: A pirate with a big beard and a shiny gold earring digging in the sand on a beautiful island, with palm trees, birds, and a treasure chest buried nearby

With a hearty 'Yo ho ho!', Pirate Pete unearthed a shiny treasure chest filled with gold coins and sparkling jewels. He couldn't believe his eyes! Pirate Pete knew that he had found the lost treasure.

Page 4: A pirate with a big beard and a shiny gold earring holding up the treasure chest and smiling gleefully, with gold coins and jewels scattered around

Reflection Questions

  • What did Pirate Pete find on the map?
  • How did Pirate Pete travel to the island?
  • What did Pirate Pete find when he dug in the sand?

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