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Piggy's Big Dig

Once upon a time, there was a little pig named xiaozhuzhu. Xiaozhuzhu lived on a small farm with a big muddy field.

Field - an open area of land. Can you use 'field' in a sentence?

Once upon a time, there was a little pig named xiaozhuzhu. Xiaozhuzhu lived on a small farm with a big muddy field.

This little pig loved to play in the mud, but the pig also had dreams . He wanted to build a pond for the farm.

Pond - a small body of water. Create a sentence using the word 'pond'.

This little pig loved to play in the mud, but the pig also had dreams . He wanted to build a pond for the farm.

One sunny day, a big yellow excavator came to the farm. The little pig was curious and watched it from the fence.

Excavator - a machine used for digging. Can you make up a sentence that has the word 'excavator'?

One sunny day, a big yellow excavator came to the farm. The little pig was curious and watched it from the fence.

This little pig tried to play on this digger.The big machine made deep holes in the ground with its scoop.

Scoop - the part of the machine that digs. Can you write a sentence that uses 'scoop'?

This little pig tried to play on this digger.The big machine made deep holes in the ground with its scoop.

The little pink pig approached one little boy called ke ke .The little pig asked, 'Can you help me dig a pond for us?'

Approached - to move closer to someone or something. Use 'approached' in a sentence of your own.

The little pink pig approached one little boy called ke ke .The little pig asked, 'Can you help me dig a pond for us?'

'Of course ! Let's make the best pond ever!' Then little boy and this little pink pig tried to stand on the digger together.

Smiled - to make a happy facial expression. How would you use 'smiled' in a sentence?

 'Of course ! Let's make the best pond ever!' Then little boy and this little pink pig tried to stand on the digger together.

The little pig and boy was excited. She watched as the excavator's arm moved the earth to create the pond.

Excited - feeling very happy and enthusiastic. Where would you use 'excited' in a sentence?

The little pig and boy was excited. She watched as the excavator's arm moved the earth to create the pond.

After a few hours, the hole was ready. 'It's perfect for a pond!' cheered this little pig.

Cheered - to shout with happiness or support. Can you create a sentence that includes 'cheered'?

After a few hours, the hole was ready. 'It's perfect for a pond!' cheered this little pig.

The pig helped to fill the pond with water and even planted flowers around it.

Planted - to put plants into the ground. Can you use 'planted' in a sentence example?

The pig helped to fill the pond with water and even planted flowers around it.

Soon, the pond was full of life. Frogs croaked, and ducks swam happily.

Croaked - the sound that a frog makes. How can you use 'croaked' in a new sentence?

Life thrives in the new pond; there are frogs and ducks.

The little pig felt proud as she looked at its work. 'We have the best pond on the farm!' it squealed.

Proud - feeling pleased about an accomplishment. Write a sentence where you felt proud.

The little pig felt proud as she looked at its work. 'We have the best pond on the farm!' it squealed.

The farm animals gathered around the pond to thank Polly and the excavator for their wonderful new home. The little pig drove its digger away after that.

Gathered - to come together in a group. Try making a sentence with 'gathered'.

The farm animals gathered around the pond to thank Polly and the excavator for their wonderful new home. The little pig drove its digger away after that.

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