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The Adventure of Friendly Alien

Once upon a time, in a small town called Littleton, there lived a friendly alien named Zippy. Zippy had purple skin and big, shiny eyes. He loved exploring new places and making new friends.

A picture of Purple skin, big, shiny eyes, happy and friendly alien the alien with purple skin and big, shiny eyes, standing in front of a small house

One day, Zippy decided to go on an adventure to planet Earth. He landed his spaceship in a wide field full of colorful flowers. Zippy looked around and saw children playing and laughing. He felt excited to join in the fun.

A picture of Purple skin, big, shiny eyes, happy and friendly alien's spaceship landing in a field with colorful flowers, and children playing nearby

As Zippy approached the children, they were surprised to see an alien. But instead of being scared, they smiled and welcomed him with open arms. Zippy felt happy to have found such kind friends. They played games, shared stories, and even had a picnic together.

A picture of Purple skin, big, shiny eyes, happy and friendly alien playing with the children and having a picnic with them under a big tree

After a day full of adventures, it was time for Zippy to go back to his own planet. The children hugged Zippy tightly and said goodbye. They promised to meet again someday. Zippy waved goodbye and flew back into the sky, knowing he had made lifelong friends on planet Earth.

A picture of Purple skin, big, shiny eyes, happy and friendly alien waving goodbye while flying in his spaceship, with the children waving back

Reflection Questions

  • How did Zippy feel when he landed on planet Earth?
  • What did the children do when they saw Zippy?
  • Do you think Zippy will visit Earth again?

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