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The Tower of Snow

Once upon a time, there was a tower made of snow.

Picture a tall tower made entirely of white fluffy snow, glistening in the winter sunlight.

It stood proudly in a beautiful winter wonderland.

Imagine a snowy landscape with trees covered in frost and a clear blue sky above.

From the window of the tower, a child looked outside.

See a small A small child with rosy cheeks, wearing warm winter clothes with rosy cheeks, peering out of a window on the tower's highest floor.

Snowflakes danced in the air, creating a magical scene.

Visualize delicate snowflakes twirling and swirling around, like tiny ballerinas in the sky.

The child watched as people played in the snow, building snowmen and having fun.

Imagine A small child with rosy cheeks, wearing warm winter clothesren and adults happily playing in the snow, dressing up their snowmen with branches for arms and carrots for noses.

As the day turned into night, the tower sparkled and glowed in the moonlight.

Picture the tower shimmering under the moonlight, creating a magical glow.

The child went to sleep, dreaming of adventures in the snowy tower.

See the A small child with rosy cheeks, wearing warm winter clothes sleeping peacefully, with dreams of sliding down snowy slopes and building forts in the tower.

Reflection Questions

  • What was inside the tower made of snow?
  • What did the child see from the tower window?
  • What did the child dream about?

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