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The Lucky Meeting

Once upon a time, in a beautiful village, there lived a little girl named Lily. She had golden hair and sparkling blue eyes. Lily loved exploring the world around her.

A little girl with golden hair and sparkling blue eyes with golden hair and sparkling blue eyes, standing in a village

One day, while walking in the forest, Lily stumbled upon a magical creature called a Doodlebug. The Doodlebug had rainbow-colored wings and a shiny purple body. It could grant one wish to someone it liked.

A little girl with golden hair and sparkling blue eyes in the forest, stumbling upon a A magical creature with rainbow-colored wings and a shiny purple body with rainbow-colored wings and a shiny purple body

Lily didn't know the Doodlebug's magical powers, so she treated it with kindness and love. They became friends and spent the whole day playing games and giggling.

A little girl with golden hair and sparkling blue eyes and the A magical creature with rainbow-colored wings and a shiny purple body playing games and giggling

When it was time for Lily to go home, the Doodlebug surprised her by granting her a wish. Lily couldn't believe her luck! She wished for the ability to make every person she meets smile.

A little girl with golden hair and sparkling blue eyes and the A magical creature with rainbow-colored wings and a shiny purple body, the A magical creature with rainbow-colored wings and a shiny purple body granting A little girl with golden hair and sparkling blue eyes's wish

From that day on, whenever Lily met someone, she would smile and spread happiness. People around her started calling her the 'Smiling Fairy.' Lily's love and kindness made her friends and happiness blossomed wherever she went.

A little girl with golden hair and sparkling blue eyes smiling and spreading happiness to people around her

And so, Lily learned that meeting someone by chance might not be about luck, but about spreading love and kindness. The end.

A little girl with golden hair and sparkling blue eyes with a smile, surrounded by hearts

Reflection Questions

  • What did Lily stumble upon in the forest?
  • What did Lily wish for?
  • How did Lily spread happiness?

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