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Girl in the Palace

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily.

A girl wearing a pink dress with blonde hair is wearing a pink dress and has blonde hair.

Lily lived in a big palace with a beautiful garden.

The palace is tall and white, with colorful flowers.

Every day, Lily would explore the palace and discover new things.

A girl wearing a pink dress with blonde hair is holding a magnifying glass and a map.

One day, Lily found a hidden room in the palace.

The room is filled with golden treasures and shiny jewelry.

Lily decided to share her treasures with her friends.

A girl wearing a pink dress with blonde hair is giving a necklace to her friend Lily's friend with brown hair and a blue dress.

All her friends were very happy and grateful.

A girl wearing a pink dress with blonde hair's friends are smiling and hugging her.

From that day on, Lily and her friends played together every day.

A girl wearing a pink dress with blonde hair and her friends are playing with a ball.

Lily learned that sharing and kindness make everyone happy.

A girl wearing a pink dress with blonde hair is holding a heart-shaped keychain.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Lily feel when she found the hidden room?
  • Why did Lily decide to share her treasures?
  • What did Lily learn about kindness and sharing?

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