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Rosy's Picnic Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little bird named Rosy. She lived in a cozy nest high up in a tall tree. One sunny day, Rosy's family decided to have a picnic in a nearby meadow. They packed a delicious lunch and flew down to the meadow.

Rosy is a small bird with colorful feathers and bright, twinkling eyes and her family are in a meadow, with a blue sky and a big tree.

Rosy and her family spread out a soft blanket on the green grass. They sat down and started eating their yummy sandwiches. Suddenly, a big gust of wind blew and carried away their picnic blanket!

Rosy is a small bird with colorful feathers and bright, twinkling eyes and her family are sitting on a blanket, but the wind blows it away.

Rosy's family looked worried. They didn't know what to do. But Rosy had an idea! She flew up into the tree and found a long piece of string. She brought it back to her family and they tied it to the corners of the blanket. Now, even if the wind blew, the blanket would stay in place!

Rosy is a small bird with colorful feathers and bright, twinkling eyes finds a string and helps her family tie it to the blanket.

Rosy and her family continued their picnic happily. They laughed and played games together. They enjoyed the warm sunshine and the beautiful flowers in the meadow. It was the best picnic ever!

Rosy is a small bird with colorful feathers and bright, twinkling eyes and her family are playing games and enjoying the meadow.

As the sun started to set, Rosy and her family packed up their things and flew back to their cozy nest. They were tired but very happy. Rosy felt proud that she could help solve the problem with the wind. She knew that by working together, they could overcome any challenge.

Rosy is a small bird with colorful feathers and bright, twinkling eyes and her family are flying back to their nest, feeling proud and happy.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Rosy help solve the problem with the wind?
  • What did Rosy and her family do during their picnic?
  • Why do you think it's important to work together as a family?

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