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The Cyber Guardians of Holy Spirit Primary

Once upon a time, at Holy Spirit Primary School, there was a special club called the Cyber Guardians. They were on an important mission to keep everyone safe online. Emma, the leader, gathered her team for an exciting adventure.

Introduction to the Cyber Guardians team at Holy Spirit Primary School.

Emma showed her friends, Max and Lily, the Secret Password Shield. 'It's a shield that uses a secret mix of letters, numbers, and funny symbols to keep our treasure safe,’ Emma explained. ‘Like our favorite games and pictures!’

A brave leader with brown hair and brown eyes, always helpful explaining the importance of strong passwords using the Secret Password Shield.

Suddenly, a message popped up on the smartboard. It was a riddle from the Wise Owl of the internet. 'To continue your quest, use kind words and jest; respect is the key to communicate best!'

Wise Owl presenting a challenge to use kind and respectful words online.

The team knew that to pass this test, they had to show their best manners, even behind the keyboard. They wrote a play where everyone on the internet was nice to each other and got lots of ‘likes’ for their kindness.

The Cyber Guardians creating a play about respectful online communication.

The next challenge was finding the Balance Boots. They let someone walk the line between screen time and playtime in the real world. The team put on a talent show, mixing fun away from screens with making cool videos.

Discovering how to balance screen time with real-world activities through a talent show.

The challenges made them really smart about staying safe and happy online and offline. Parents and teachers watched their show and were super proud. They gave the Cyber Guardians a shiny trophy!

Parents and teachers recognizing the team's efforts with a trophy.

The Cyber Guardians promised to teach more kids about being safe online. And as they drifted to sleep that night, they dreamed of new adventures in both the digital world and the playground!

The Cyber Guardians planning to share their knowledge and dreaming of future adventures.

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