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Clever Girl and the Mysterious Noise
Once upon a time in a small town, there lived a clever girl named Lily. One night, as Lily was getting ready for bed, she heard a strange noise coming from outside her window. Curious, she went to investigate.

Lily - a smart and curious girl with brown hair and twinkling blue eyes putting on pajamas. Window with moonlight outside. Town with houses and trees.
Lily walked down the quiet street, following the sound of the noise. It seemed to be coming from an old, abandoned house at the end of the road.

Lily - a smart and curious girl with brown hair and twinkling blue eyes walking down the street in moonlight. Old, spooky house with broken windows and wild vines around it.
With her heart pounding, Lily cautiously entered the house. She searched every room, looking for the source of the noise. Suddenly, she spotted a little mouse trapped in a cage!

Lily - a smart and curious girl with brown hair and twinkling blue eyes holding a flashlight, walking through dark, dusty rooms of the old house. Mouse - a tiny creature with soft grey fur and bright black eyes in a cage, looking scared.
Lily quickly realized that someone had set the trap to catch the mouse. Determined to help, she used her clever thinking to figure out how to free it. She found a key hidden under a rug and unlocked the cage. The mouse scurried away happily.

Lily - a smart and curious girl with brown hair and twinkling blue eyes holding a key, unlocking the cage. Mouse - a tiny creature with soft grey fur and bright black eyes running away, Lily - a smart and curious girl with brown hair and twinkling blue eyes smiling.
The next day, Lily gathered all the children in the town and explained what had happened. Together, they decided to turn the abandoned house into a cozy home for stray animals, so they would always be safe.

Lily - a smart and curious girl with brown hair and twinkling blue eyes and children gathered around the old house, painting it and adding cute signs for animals.
From that day on, the mysterious noise was replaced by the happy sounds of birds chirping, cats purring, and dogs wagging their tails. Lily's cleverness helped solve the mystery and brought joy to the whole town.

Lily - a smart and curious girl with brown hair and twinkling blue eyes and other children playing with animals in front of the house. Smiling faces all around.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Lily use her clever thinking to help the mouse?
  • What did Lily and the other children decide to do with the abandoned house?
  • How did Lily feel after she solved the mystery?

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